Brian's Sensational Run

Brian's Sense-ational Run is a book for K-5. Brian is a teenager with a crown, and he loves to run around his town with his parent's permission. On this particular run, he uses all 5 senses to enjoy his run. He wants everyone to remember to enjoy the journey and look around! Brian starts from his house and loops around his wonderful city of Malden, MA. Malden is a suburb of Boston.
On this sense-ational run, readers will hear, smell, see, feel and taste things that Brian encounters on the run. This is a great book to teach the senses, but also a great book to teach directions and promote health and fitness! Enjoy Brian's Sense-ational Run!
About the Author

Brian Holliday was born and raised in New England. This is his debut book as an author. As an avid runner and marathon finisher, Brian got the idea for Brian’s Sense-ational Run on an actual run through his beloved city of Malden, Massachusetts. Always intrigued by the smells, feels, and sights of his run, Brian, who is a medical professional, had the idea of turning his run into a children’s book. He wrote this book to promote kids learning the senses and being aware of their surroundings, but also to promote the exercise of running as a sense-ational journey!
Brian graduated from Salve Regina University (Newport, RI), as well as Western University of Health Sciences (Pomona, CA). Brian works as a Physician Assistant in surgery/urology at one of Boston’s largest hospitals, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. He lives in Malden with his partner, Edward, and their two dogs, Whizkey and CozMo.